The Kerwsells – Lot 200

In 1958, my summer job was delivering milk for Briars Dairy out of Gravenhurst. I was always looking for new accounts and a customer mentioned that there was a Hydro camp set up on the road into Go Home Lake (next to the existing water pump) and they might be interested in milk delivery. The Hydro gang suggested that a small marina had opened beside the new government dock at the end of the road. I drove in and met Reg Potter and his wife and started delivery milk, butter, and cream to the lake.
One day when I arrived, Reg asked me to help pull a couple of logs out of the dam as he was in charge of regulating the lake level and after told me that I should buy a lot on the lake and he would show me the best lot that was left.
At eighteen years old it was a major step to take to amass $720.00 and commit to building a cottage with two years.

The pictures give you an idea of all cottagers establishing a docking area in the channel. The Department of Lands and Forest Rangers were present every weekend to allocate slip space and even built us a bridge across the channel to access both sides.
Today the Garbage Bins would be located in the right corner of the picture; the picture was taken around 1965.